Not hating the new designs for the most part, except the lack of the the queue and beak on the Imperial agents. Not sure I get the design...
Played my first full 300 with IA. Took the Neuro ML Yan Huo and boy I was not disappointed. Our big boy sat on a rooftop in one corner of the...
That's ignoring that the N5 Duos lack 6th sense or any BS bonus, which were hugely important for defence in N4. Plus, the attacker can now be one...
Nah, strong disagree. Having played a few games now, Alpha is definitely stronger. That may not be the case in certain niche situations or for...
Had a Domination game yesterday and really felt the lack of Specialists, although playing it at 200pts probably didn't help that. Ran Lei Gong...
I'm intrigued how you came to that conclusion. If anything, alpha strikes have been made stronger with the lack of easy fireteam burst and sixth...
Don't you ever badmouth my gorgeous chonky Yan Huo Neuro ML boy like that again.
I will say that the Gudan, with the Liberto bring a welcome addition of cheap camo and midfield presence to IA. It's a shame there's no Mim-3 to...
Oh my statement is based on nothing more than pure vibes as I've not had a chance to try it yet. I think YH in a Haris or Core will definitely be...
After getting really excited then playing around with lists I've come to the conclusion that the YH just works better as it's standalone...
I have to say I've really enjoyed Jeong in IA occasionally. Him in a Haris with AP Shang Ji-sus and Bixie gave you an unhackable repeater bubble...
Honestly, if they just swapped the stats between Haidao and Zuyong and pruned some of the unnecessary skills/equipment to make the Zuyong a truly...
I'd love a revamp of ISS and some of the wider YJ profiles but HI have been my first love and IA is what kept me with the faction. I just wish...
I would like SMGs to lose AP/Shock. It never made sense that they've got better ammo types than proper assault rifles at the same damage....
No one's arguing about the need to playtest the game mode of Reinforcements. What people are saying is an arbitrary 10pt 0.5SWC 1 basic model tax...
These reinforcements will have wildly different impacts dependent on mission. An area control or midfield button pushing mission demands you have...
Only reason I can see to take Jujak is the Tinbot. But then they can't link with the Haetae who would likely benefit the most from it. Also,...
Still struggling to see a reason I'd ever take a Jujak. Hwarang team is a better midfield threat, cheaper, and lets you take the Sulsa for pure...
I must say it's rather frustrating to see the Hwarang somehow worse in shooting, CC, AND price than the JSA warband #YJHeavyInfantryFaction. That...
Any TAG that can be brought as a Reinforcement will be incredibly powerful. Even with just 1 cheerleader, 3 orders on an infiltrating TAG in the...