The problem is right here: Blue objective cards DO NOT create scoring zones, they just provide points if you control the deployment Zone marked...
Hello there! Here you got, Aristeia's designer (V) confirming that, when you only...
There is no such thing. Blue side of "Taunted (Sr. Massacre) State token is "No State", so he isn't Taunted (and thus isn't considered Taunted for...
Well... I'm positively sure... Your Action Sequence is incomplete... So both with Switch Damage or regular Damage, Moonchild is flipped, then...
Well... Most of those issues can be resolved applying strictly the Action Sequence... As stated in the FAQs, the Damage is done at the...
No. Only Characters can score zones JackBots are allies, but not Characters :3
That's not correct. After rolling (and maybe rerolling) the dice, the Player who declared the Attack chooses which Character should activate its...
Sí, seleccionas una casilla Bloqueada en Alcance 1-3 :L: y colocas a Bìxié en cualquier casilla libre adyacente a la que seleccionaste :3
Option A (assuming Player A is Underdog) When a Player chooses to use Omadon (or any Effect, btw), it has to resolve it immediatly (save those...
Hi! Although there's no timing related to the Omadon Arena Effect, I'd put it before the Critical Blockand Switches (as you say, using the same...
As far as I can remember, :6: Effects which lists any timing, apply at that precise timing (dice adding effects that have no timing shold be read...
And yet you'd be wrong. I'm 100% against this kind of data collection, because depending on the method, data is either irrelevant or too dificult...
On the other hand, giving extra frags to Hannibal (awarded not because of he himself, but by the chance of having an aristo in a good position and...
As I said before, this has nothing to do with gameplay... Do as you want I've just stated my ideas about this :3
This is not a ruling, it has no effect on gameplay (and, as such, is not covered by any rule). I just simply note that the Minion is there because...
Assuming the bunch of dice Tactics invested (with just :)::): I think you won't be able to kill even a fly)... Frag goes (statistics purpose) to...
No. En todo caso, siempre es el Médico el que usa su habilidad, así que solamente podría elegir un objetivo para la misma :3
If I'm not missing anything, that should be like: :3
Sorry, my bad. For statistical purposes, Frag should be allocated to the opponent's aristo activated in HammerHead's same turn :3