Those are slick!
The E/Mitter sounds good. the ability to jump behind a TAG, fry it and kill it with a monofilament weapon sounds like a dream come true....
i usually stick the Ectros and his Triad in his own order group. with a 10 order main group and 5 orders for 2nd group, that's still 15 orders...
i'd get a LT with two LT orders and an Ectros NCO with HMG. Stick him in a triad with a Makaul and some flavor of specialist and go to town with...
are you looking for fun or effectiveness? For fun....dual Anaconda is a lot of fun. For effectiveness....not so much. They'll die pretty quick...
is this "Well Known Member"??
i make sure to tell every new player to avoid the forums at all cost because of the constant negativity. The dev notes they released about the...
Band-Maid is amazing.
Would constantly and only saying negative things about the game and the company due to some self-righteous duty ' be considered shit-stirring'?
ok...that's badass. i'll chek them out!!
Respect is earned.
Customer: there is too much bloat!! CB: Ok, these new models will be very restricted to REF only. Customer: NO!! We need these added to vanilla...
Fudge....the Gecko. Now i have to get one.
I know for me, it absolutely turned me off to playing it.
That was my main hangup. I like how they offered an explanation of why it was there in the first place.
good point
I can see the Tohaa trying to sabotage the fragile peace between the Human Sphere and EI. They'd still very much want the war to stay there than...
I scratch built a Triphammer and used some Gundam bits. the scale is usually too big, but in this instance it turned out great.
I love the man and i love that mini!
if they didn't make Spiral Corps suck, it would have sold better. Good rules promotes sales. The minis were beautiful.