Long due update. Did some minis after slacking off a long time. Hope you enjoy! O12 Beta [SPOILER] O12 Gamma [SPOILER] O12 Delta [SPOILER] YJ...
Anybody knows where I can find the Yu JIng artwork? I want a new background :)
Would love some ISS Agents :)
Lovely minis. I like the technique on the white parts :)
Lovely, can't wait to loose against them :)
Great stuff. Love the Deltas, especially since they are on my table as well :)
Always a joy to see your paintjob. Love the color combination!
Lovely paintjob.
Can't wait o see em painted up!
Great paintjob. Especially like the glow! They look really creepy.
Looking good. White is hard to paint but I like how you did it :)
Looking really good :) Great job
Great job, cant wait to play against them :)
Nice work!
Casanova V2. :P At least a O12 guy. Look at the back and neck guard. similar to Delta/Betatrooper/Gamma and so on
Great conversion
Great paintjob :) Really dig it
Thank you. Yeah I know. Next time I'll balance my white out. :) I have some new minis in the pipeline
Lovely painting :) Dig your style