Nice cammo in the main parts, somehow it manages to look rather real. Any special trick? The plain pouches etc make the shape "readable", but the...
50% primed, now prime the other 50%. Bonus if showing only the zones that have the same shape (tacticrap foot?) and ask people to guess which is...
Apply superglue and sand the rough zone. It should "solidify" the "tiny hairs" and help with sanding.
When years ago CB announced that the forum would close down, two forums were quickly created, one in Spanish (under infinitywarcors domain) and...
Well, yes, that is the reason I wrote "safe", not harmless or safe-without-quotes, referring to ethanol: go with safer options first. The point is...
I remember a couple of news about people drinking contaminated alcohol in recent years, which sounds like they did not know or noticed any funny...
A better translation would be "i will not mind some products in this material instead of metal". Saying "happy with A" followed by "do not want A"...
Isn't methanol highly toxic? The crap I remember listed as additive for first aid kit alcohol was bitrex, so still ethanol like in alcoholic...
CB outsourcing some Infinity minis now? ~_~ Plastic resin... restic? And what price? I looked around and some material compatibility lists say it...
After so many miniatures, I think the base style choice was great. It ties them together even when the color scheme varies (eg Casanova and REM...
What is the white picture at 00:33?
It should be easy to model: inner and outer spheres, then cut a hole... but polishing to get a good surface sounds tricky. Maybe model it very...
Bubble is going to be complicated, but tubular... (also helmet kit, as in collar plus...
Rotary tools are a bit brutal (specially if newbie), as most people get Dremel and clones, not jeweler types that can go to near 0 RPM and have a...
Maybe a reference to Office Space (1999), "hacking" the printer. Or a cluebat or LART. Nice red lights in the helmet.
But the control panels seem separate, so only needs a seat, which should be easy: card for main shape, (optionally) more card or putty to make...
It went to the Samaritan School of Silhouetting. It will fit perfectly among CB minis. :P
CB has a recurrent set of poses, we have been mentioning it for ages. At first it could be explained by dollies ("skeletons" used as base for the...
Not alone, with @maru makes three. There can be too much detail. IMO it's one of the issues with the 3D workflow in use, losing the sense of how...
Yes, what I meant is if he was doing the same in a better place, which he just reported to have done. And so this became posible:...