This is honestly what I liked best about Code 1; models that you normally wouldn't use together because of cost/risk become more acceptable. But...
I have a friend who cut some 1" Dowel to the right heights for S2 (since the actual silhouette is a cylinder) then painted those in a camo scheme.
So she's not exceptionally good at dodging, per se, but she's good at making people miss. So, she doesn't have a better chance to dodge when...
I believe it means when she's dodging, she imposes a -6 on her opponent in the F2F
Something to consider here is that while Blackwind may be the HB starter, it's ALSO the Haqqislam Code 1 starter. I think it's definitely going...
So, i'm NOT a good painter and my freehand is atrocious, but I was inspired to do this (sorta) Edit - [ATTACH] [IMG]
If you superimpose a pilot onto a regular, manned TAG, the “hip joints” are on the upper thigh, and the knee joints are in the lower leg. If the...
I’m also considering that, like with predator, while in motion the camouflage is less effective. Or that seeing “bob from accounting” moving...
I could agree that a marker should be able to be discovered any time it moves (or takes an action that wouldn't otherwise reveal it), regardless...
I think Exrah could logically come back as a Combined Army-themed mercenary group. They’d have CA equipment & remotes, a small box of Exrah models...
For the love of god, please…new hungries.
So, yeah, this. I went from playing sectorals exclusively to playing Vanilla Combined Army. For how I play the game, it worked out pretty well....
He’s the knight of Santiago with Spitfire.
The game had annual rebalancing. They updated the core rules and player stats yearly. Also, rules and player cards were available free on their...
Yeah, being first did Morticians no favors. But those problems were largely worked out by the time they gave up. My resin Masons are top-tier, and...
Yes. No exaggeration here. SFG got sick of dealing with the Guildball fanbase and just decided to stop. They felt like they couldn't have fun...
My thoughts on a new Ariadna TAG: Silhouette 8 It should be a hunk of Teseum. High Armor, Immunity to AP, EXP, DA and anything else that does...
Croziers arrived safe and sound. Thank you.
QFT Ariadna is majority white, and, outside of me bringing up the possibility of a black Galwegian as an example, nobody is sweating it. It makes...
After seeing the siocast video, it appears you can’t use the same mold for the metal that you used for the plastic. It seems…unwise to make a...