Since the Avatar is now a manned TAG, does that make the Staldron the actual EI aspect?
Army: Combined Troop: Staldron (Xenodron & Avatar) Program: Army App iPhone Issue: Staldron under Xenodron and Avatar profiles is missing skill...
Honestly, I think replacing the 4 man Six sense boon with 360 visor wound radically improve the links Balance. As it stands the links have...
Thank you for the fast feed back.
Can a TO make the decision to reduce the number of decompression zones players deploy for a mission? I. E. From 2-1. Would such a decision...
To expand on this clarification, If Nourkais lands two hits on his opponent in CC using the EM CCW, the opponent makes 4 N+EM rolls. And if he...
Hello Hivemind, My Question: Can a reactive player intentionally declare an invalid aro to bring a LT out of hidden deployment? Example:...
Cb makes great minis but defiance’s rule book is a fuckin slog. It’s not organized well, Spanish words are left in, sometimes mechanics are...
You are a hero! I was putting something similar together and gave up. Can we get this pinned?
I would say that this ability is very useful for the Noctifier in Onyx. Onyx has a terrible time with obvious be LTs. Could be super good in Onyx.
I think the answer is they lack both speed and staying power for their cost and equipment. If they were given one of these i think they would...
Honestly, I think the largest risk is your opponent passing their last couple of orders to place you in LOL. I looked up the rules this morning, a...
@WiT? its funky but he may not be wrong. CB recently clarified in the faq that models can always declare an aro, whether or not it’s successful is...
Outside of the cost of the reinforcement tokes and the position of cards in the available units deck are there any limits to the number of time a...
This isn’t a direct counter but a method of mitigation. Guided weapons must use a circular impact template when attacking. If you take your KHD...
@Koni thank you for your response!
Hello, I’m trying to find a PDF file of the final rulebook release. I have the beta rules pdf but was hoping for a final copy. I’m planning on...
(Bump) When and How does the Blind State end?
Hello again fellow Humans, thank you the wonderful advice! I am indeed a Combined Army player. Thankfully I already have the S3 rems and have the...