Played this today...... WOW!!! I'm not going to be getting any Christmas cards in the mail this year. Thanks Mac!!! :)
Hiereth. I actually enjoyed putting the Gao-Tarsos together along with my fingers!! :)
These go together like dog shit and gravy.
Stopped at my LGS and got me some Chaksa's!!!!:laughing:
I want to Thank everyone for their comments, It's helped a lot in understanding the way of the Tohaa. First games are this Saturday, I'll let you...
Thanks for all the help!!
I have the Chaksa's from the support box and the Rasail's, So I can make that work till I get the Aux box.
Looking at what your throwing down, I see where your going with that list now. The one I just posted seems irrelevant.
LOL... I know how some of these guys, Most of them I've gamed with for the better of 15 years. They do it for fun when they are playing one the...
Hello Everyone. Long time lurker, First time poster to a point. My community is starting a slow grow league this week and runs for 6 weeks. First...
Hey Outkast.... We have a new shop to play in, We're out of the basement :) Look for NEO Infinity on FB and I'll add ya. We do Infinity on...