there are a lot of old mini catalogues online if you want to look at the old minis
Have a look at the new character in overwatch, Sojourn.......Yeah its a Nomad, it is so blatantly a Nomad its painful.
I think i may hang out in much fouler forums where basic human behavior is the exception not the rule.
This is so perfect and says so much about the infinity community. I'd imagine most other wargames communities would be a toxic wasteland by now,...
cheers, i'm braindead, assumed Spektr.
Im confused. The Spector+Perseus+Stempler. It says the link team is all FTO, but i cant find the spector FTO profile.
I'd go with this. [IMG] EDIT: cant get list to work. Basicly hollowmen and stempler, full team of puppets, supported by hacker, speckters and...