We have done a live stream on this very subject with comments from the community https://youtube.com/live/W1_s6YrrKqQ?feature=share
I agree, I don't like it but the ones who must be obeyed say so
before we go off at a tangent, I said once deployed it becomes public information as in the deployment is the catalyst for information to become...
as well as it saying in the rules page 15 you don't share the open information until deployed (you don't deploy Reinforcements at the start of the...
as per the rules above you don't share you private information until you deploy your models and it says everywhere in the Reinforcements rules you...
I appreciated you comments last time buddy
We are going Live again tonight at 7pm BST to discus the re-enforcements weeks and the Endsong releases (with a good look and the miniatures now...
Hello community, as well as our battle reports every two weeks we have just started doing a live stream in between. our intention is to build the...
well we had our first Live Stream this weekend as it is our first we are looking for constructive comments so we know what people like and...
[MEDIA] We hope you can join us on Friday 24th at 8pm UK time where we will be discussing all thing Bakunin , Miniatures, profiles, backstory etc...
Druze is one of my favourite Merc sectorial armies. great battle report
yeah, if you have any advice for Shasvastii, Haqqislam, O-12 and especially Military orders let us know in the comments first episode will be...
well O-12 wise we are currently doing a tale of 4 Pandas series where four of us are starting new army and building them up for a 300pt tournament...
Really good video @ZombieSashimi - excellent work as always
very nice. I can see A lot of effort has gone into that
we have just uploaded the first in a series for new players, Code One Operation Crimson Stone mission play through. please check it out and help...
Hi citizens of the 0-12 We really want to help new players get into the Infinity Universe so we have made a series of videos explaining the game...
we are continually making Infinity content please check ot our latest video, Decapitation Drop a like and subscription then we know we are...
the third and final round is now live see just how Kosmoflot play in the hands of someone who knows what he is doing. and please drop us a...
Hi We have never posted about our YouTube channel on here so after over a year of making battle reports and other associated videos I thought I...