So i don't understand. CB tweeted a demo kit for warcrow with what looks like siocast models. So will the models for the ks will be changed to...
Yes I am. In a kickstarter, i don't expect to re-use already released tags. Let's be serious two minutes. If this game would use tags which...
They're great characters, would fit perfectly in aristeia. Why bother and include them in a boring game? This is absurd. And once again, in a...
If and when the price of tin will stabilize, will siocast be abandoned to a return for metal for the s3 models?
Seeing the images (which i find a terrible cast, and those moldlines, gosh...), resin was not conceivable at some point? If the bear is in the...
Ayadan mentionned it on our discord, but the LE of hyppolita will do a great proxy of Kassandra for anyone who is a fan of assassin's creed...
From Beasts of War: [IMG] She's gorgeous, I can't wait playing her in SP.
I don't understand the comparison with warmachine, apart from the colours, there's absolutely no similitude between them. If I have to make a...
I like your list, will try it, thanks :) I modify the first list :
So change shakti for a standard yadu, and replace dart for a defensive piece?
Hi, I've been playing aleph for a while now, and even though I'm doing ok on my lists which include dakini in FT core, I'm struggling a lot with...
We have seen drones boxes resculpt, it seems highly possible that we got a resculpt yujing drone's pack for invincible. Maybe in february? I...
Another whining post? The OSS profiles are not releases yet, we don't know anything about the rest of the weapons, etc... and there's already...
It's not logical to release 2 300 points boxes, as one was an aleph box. It's best to replace the SP box by an army which didn't had one, like...
[IMG] Looks like the deva, as she has hexagons on her pants.
I think it will be another 2 player box, to complete with the dire foes pack in march. But this is strange, the red veil starter was released in...
Maybe the Maruts?