1. I don't play YJ so I'll answer from a WinterFor perspective. Yes, you need cheap units in order to fuel your heavies with orders. Cheap doesn't...
I'm using 3 Valkyries and a Yuan-Yuan (until I paint the Pulpi Scarface, then that'll be number 4).
Great start, I look forward to reading more :) Just a small error with the Lynx Spec Op (great unit!); Assault Pistols do not have the...
Go for O-12! My main faction is Pano (Vanilla, Acon, Varuna, NCA), but it has been sidelined by O-12 the last few months. You want to use a...
I'm not a fan at all. Both models look like they have been put together by spare parts that haven't been scaled to the same size.
The only time I've fielded a Gamma, it was the FB one. I planned on using him as an order sponge but ended up using him as a troubleshooter...
Bah! Gamma is a big stompy Brodude, I just played it like one plays big stompy Brodudes. Stomp, stomp, dakka :) No sense in hiding in the...
Welcome to Infinity, LaMinato! The Dice Abide has a pretty good, and brief, rundown of all the factions:...
Gangbuster arms, just the arms, with SMG and Combi Rifle. :P Zeta, yes please. Other than that, I really want to see the Lambdas.
The Dice Abide has a pretty good post about the different factions: https://www.thediceabide.com/blog/2018/8/3/infinity-which-faction-is-for-you
@AdmiralJCJF : Got 'em over here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2885464 Prints beautifully, needs to be resized a bit and needs supports.
I printed a bunch of these guys: [IMG] Need to greenstuff some simple armour on them, and maybe a tail. Oh, and stick some appropriate guns on...
Backed! Thanks for all the hard work :)
@karolis Did you field the same unpainted, as in not even primed unpainted, army that you fielded at the Nordic Masters? Using the term...
I got it set a bit slower, 40/60 mm. Just printed the top, took 19h 31min. I'll try ramping up the speed to 60/80, it should work fine. I...
Went with 65 mm, the print took 23h 49min with 10% infill, 0.1 m layer height and 6 top & bottom layers. Printed beautifully too! Starting on the...
I started a print of the metro entrance today, going with 0.1 resolution to get a nice transition on the sloping planes. It looks fantastic up...
Nice! The first shot of the main engine almost look like cast resin, those hinges on the airbrake came out great!
That is one solid piece om scenery. I really like the way you broke it down in the .stl files. You can print it without the escalators, paint it...
This i pure awesome! I loved the Montaraz and I'm looking forward to print the Chicarra once I get the ol' Prusa up and running :)