Couldn't wait for an official REDEYE miniature, had to make one for my pano[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'm on board with the sad avatar train, however with speedball it can have effectively STR4 and there's a lot-lot less times it'll get oneshot by...
Are my expectations unreasonable? Maybe. One ticket to the hype(rpower) train please [ATTACH]
In light of recent events [ATTACH]
What the title says, other factions got their wild speculations thread, so why not us too, I'll start: 1) wish is for Skiavoros to finally be...
Army: Any Troop: Spec-ops with access to HoloMask equipment Browser: Firefox Description: When loading the list from local, server or importing it...
it's in the core rules 2.1 pdf, page 162
In light of the latest Army update[ATTACH]
So the army update just dropped, here's some CA highlights from my point of view, any discussion of how we make use of the freshly added...
After a bit of thinking if I really want to cut up two minis to make a single one out of them purely for aesthetic reasons I decided that yes in...
I was initially down on the new anathematic, it sure had a high bar to cross with original sculpt being the model that got me into playing...
Well it's still the best thing for facetrading we have in the reinforcements, and the most you can get with it is two more models, in a vacuum you...
So far I've played a total of 3 games and a 3 round tournament of a whole 6 players who were ready to test out the new hotness the weekend of...
Thank you for a quick answer!
I'm not entirely sure if it is mandatory to deploy the reinforcement combat group(s) as soon as possible, and didn't seem to find this question...
It's more of a question of is this intended rather than a bug: Army: Combined Army/Onyx Contact Force Troop: Caskuda (normal version) Browser/OS:...
I can't belive I didn't write this already, but could the non-reinf. caskuda get a hassasin bokhtar treatment in the form of an NCO replacing the...
yep, AD and hidden deployment are counting to the VPs you have alive, so if you for example had a cutter in hidden deployment you wouldn't go in...
Thanks! I was just in doubt if the intent was that reinforcements count to this VP total, but the example on the 3rd page is clear that they do...
@Koni Need a little sanity check after reading the new rules PDF: is the army points column referring to the sum total at which the game is played...