:face_with_rolling_eyes: [ATTACH]
Yeeeeaaahh... it’s more like 115% mass difference in the models. As far as I’m concerned, the terracotta warrior I posted above could be female....
Thanks for the responses! I painted some of the old infinity minis and was impressed with quality, but the more recent computer-designed models...
[ATTACH] Almost finished my next batch: the Terracottas.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] (Is it possible to change the username on my account?) So... I had a blog on the old site a couple of years...
Thanks! I try not to do too many conversions with metal. I find that the sharp quality of CV’s sculpting makes it harder to get away with... and...
I built a Zhanshi engineer and medic a couple of years ago, before the new Yu Jing support pack came out. The engineer has a cutting/welding...