Perhaps before going off the deep end we should see what actually transpires? If you are an Aleph player and suddenly a bunch of your characters...
I didn't find the length of the phases very well advertised. I played a game in the 2nd phase on the Thursday night then went away for the...
I'm fairly sure it's just the resculpts of the Ikadron and Imetron.
Edit: Never mind.
I suppose the flip side to the Caskuda is that it's probably going to end up out on a limb and within easy range of some of the many CC monsters...
I've had some mileage out of the MSV3 plasma rifle Charontid in the past. It can be a bit board/situation dependent but it can definitely be hard...
Especially if there are some negative mods involved, then you're in "inevitable crit" territory.
They are much maligned but against a faction with a lot of CC monsters Jayth might be handy, MA and NBW is an annoying combination. I know what...
I've played with the Xeodrons a bit and they are decent roadblocks in the correct ranges, they can soak up a lot of fire with 3 STR and crucially...
How big is, say a Suryat, in comparison? Are they starting to push the S2 envelope a bit?
Given the Morarts nature and the self-serving tendencies of the Shasvastii, the only troops the EI can really rely on are its own batroids and...
Absolutely. I get quite a few kills with my Daturazi. They aren't there as corner guards or smoke throwers primarily, I aim to get them into combat.
I suspect there will have been a strong commercial element to it, which is entirely fair. Morats were a largely complete range so I imagine sales...
I assume its FireTeam Operative or some such. Its just something they put on the profile name to denote which one is allowed to join fireteams.
The combi will be my SMG, the HMG will do as a spitfire. I have 2 boarding shotgun models so they'll see use. Its just the coolest of the lot, Mr...
I haven't done the whole smoke + MSV trick in awhile I must admit. There is a lot more MSV about these days and with the change to MSV1 smoke...
The Kyosot SMG could be pretty threatening in the 8-16 range band if you can find a decent place to put it in cover on suppressive fire. Those...
2 haris teams allowed also
Yeah fair point. S6 makes it easier to hide til the way is clear too I suppose.
Yeah mixed bag so far I think. Bultrak for example, hits like a brick but at BS13, CC17 and no CC skills or vis mods hitting will be the trick. A...