Everyone thinks Religious is a massive points discount. It isn't; it's a point or two at best. It's much less of a liability than Frenzy or...
They're expensive, but you get what you pay for. A Moira Spitfire would be 32 points without NCO and a Zapper, which puts it in striking distance...
After Sunday's game, I am a definite Wildcat HRL fan. Even dealing with Smoke and a Low-Viz Saturation Zone, the MSV really proved its worth, and...
>snip< Never mind.
Case in point: happening right now with YJ's ancestor.
It's all because The Man wants to keep us down.
Do not bring linked Tsyklons. Watch the state-empire opponent breathe a sigh of relief. Then land a Meteor Zond. Explain that, yes, it has a...
Good to see you again! I also suspect that the Mobile Brigada are Spanglish for Mobile Infantry (they're not called that in the Spanish novela...
Yup, scratch all that - brain fart. I was mixing up the templates no LoF rule (now I'm going to miss flaming things through the Smoke). The...
Puppetmaster also brings Counterintelligence to the table, which is nice. And there are a fair few Wounds distributed between the models.
You can't really look at how effective a unit is in isolation, and certain units simply pair better with others. Alguaciles: Alguaciles are cheap...
AmPm does say that it is obviously biased. I wouldn't try to understand something written about South American / African politics written through...
Corregidor reminds me a lot of postwar Japan, except with South American and East African (not sub-Saharan Africans, different crowd) "can do"...
I think then that the answer to Tskylons is "they have a lot of uses for their points". My first Vostok run resulted in a broken link and not even...
Agreed. Geckos are the face-smashing bricks of Corregidor now. Total Immunity Karakuri got you frowning? Not a problem, beshte. We bring the DAM17...
The Corregidor fluff plays up the criminal elements, but the largest group by far that contributed to the population were the refugees and zero g...
I think the ability to put down +0 Suppression Fire all the way out to 24" and in a complete 360 circle should be mentioned for the Tsyklon. Would...
I'll tell you a real-life story. Not far from where I live, there is a settlement for descendants of indigenous scouts for the old South African...
Need to add your Puppetbots to the list, unless you just want the controller. Otherwise is very solid hacking list; I would say overkill even. I...
My opponent yesterday had the same attitude to the Flash Pulse bots. Scrapping one of them by eating a Crazy Koala is still a good trade if it...