Personally I would love to play a game with 25-30 infinity models, but it's a different game, this ruleset and mechanics don't work in a 2h...
I must say, that's a strawman argument... People own dosens and dosens of infinity models, often hundreds, so extra bodies on the board would mean...
Increasing the number of models would fundamentally break the concept of the game, and make it unplayable in the reasonable time limit.
At this point, I'm thinking that "the formula" is actually the "SKU_sales_numbers.xls" spreadsheet.
Dope models, nice job!
Just hope they stop giving HI 50pt knights combi rifles...
I struggle with the same mentality, but then I change the thought process... instead, I just decide to take her and play with the hand I got...I...
Add to FAQ?
How do they work for the AI?
My scheme is somewhat close to nomads with just a bit more white. So white with red and black, following the logo as well.
No rush...
The travesty of mixed links killed all LI heavy weapons, it's not even a contest.
You asked for feedback. Sorry for providing one, won't happen again.
10 orders will be rough...
Yes, wanted to say as well, thank you! It really made playing infinity a joy! After playing some games in N4, now I see how much it really meant....
Sooooooo.... Locust lost the wildparrot?! Seriously? No. comment.
Just played my last game with MO until the rework happens. Not being able to protect a 10 order list from first turn command token use is the last...
Auxbots BS should've been upgraded due to the range band change... Relying on a 50/50 shot is not a strategy I would count on.
I will use the Domovoi model
No one wants a locust...we have an excess of 2 already!