I must say Longwags profile looks interesting, the design not so much (why has everyone shields nowadays?). But maybe now I get a good reason to...
Really nice work. I think I need to steal the Bases for my CA/Shasvastii. :innocent: They have excatly the colors I want o try. And the...
I really like Fractaa and Makreep would like to see some more Sygmaa troops (maybe togeather with a Tohaa revival).
Regarding mission 8. Where do the Taighas respawn when the Pit is destroyed? Are they waiting for the pit to be redeployed or is a respawn place...
We had either Escort Hacker (Reverend Custodier) or Raoul as a Hacker. Both are good enough to active the consoles, but Raoul is a bit more...
Thanks for clarifing. Now I am wonderng, why does large minis need movement to turn. What's the point if they have 360° sight?
I am still confused how enemies will exactly behave while assaulting. Will they run past characters to reach the one charcter/ally/remote, who is...
We finished Mission 6 today. Upgraded Raoul with the [Medium Armor], which lets you change :2: to :1:. Not quite sure if this is 100% rule...
Yeah it is. Blinded Charontid is nearly harmless. Should be effective against every long-range-enemy. Would be less effective if enemies could...
BTS- Roll is :)::1::1:.
In addition to the Homerules from Flipswitch we added: 1 Bagslot for Escorts. Jaan's Ship passive also works for Allies (Poison for everyone...
I tried him with DHD. Put it into the Head-Slot. For Programms i used Picklock and Inspiration Geist (synergizes really well with Nanopulsar and...
Hacking device or Superior Tactical Armor were also my ideas. Last mission we had the Revenrend Custodier Escort, who mostly was the focus for the...
We started a new round with John Hawkwood : sapper blasted the door in mission 2, so we could ignore the consoles. Knowing the order for enemy...
Sounds like a funny group. Please tell how Cho is working, especially since you also have a Hacker. I am not quite sure what she really can do.
On Alert Level 0 no enemies are activated, do they get 1 Reinforcement Token at the end of the round because of this? Are Reinforcements placed...
We made a game with Kusanagi and I must say her Versatile skills seems to be broken OP. The hole Party was nearly permanent focused. I am not sure...
Where did the Magister Knights go? Did I miss a comment on this? And what does Dart do in here? Tik is already questionable, but she does not fit...
I know this could happen, but would also lead to another playstyle. As I said the armor alone is not enough (LI having 1-3 and MI having 2-3 is...
I like the new profile for the Wildcats, but I also liked the Grenzers before :yum:. As a crazy idea, why don't we enhance the durability of the...