Great work and thanks for all the aleph love :)
Great app Mike and thank you so much for your time and effort in making this to help us out :)
Having some problems sending my saved army lists in the OTM. I have created and saved my two lists in Infinity Army which I'm logged into using...
Id it possible to target and shoot madtraps? My opponent has deployed his two madtraps on the table and I have a model on my first turn that can...
That's a shame as I love the original proxies. I would proxy the Mk1 with a Sophotect if not being used or the Asura with combi or a deva model...
Oh, nice surprise for today :) They look very nice. Can you lift the roofs so that you can have minis inside?
Voting for Vedic! gI'm pretty sure they will be a Gencon release this year. I'm interested in Varuna get their sectorial and looking forward to...
Yep. That's accurate haha.. ;)
I reported the problem with the admins guys thank you. Hopefully it will get sorted out soonish. Cheers
Windows 8 Google Chrome. My picture links are broken this morning on my terrain thread too. Hope you guys can resolve this issue. Thanks
Just a quick note that myself and at least one other user are having trouble with is with the thumbnail pictures on the forum. Once selecting the...
Fantastic work here Rob. My pick of the bunch would have to be the Reverand Healer. She is spot on! Cheers
I wish there was a Love button as well as a Like button :) These are some of the best illustrations for Infinity I have seen in a long time....
Really blown away with your amazing digital art Mothman. Lovely re design of Zoe and Pi-Well. And the first image of the Avatar is just awe...
Currently working on my Undertown table that I received from Antenocitis with their KS. Firstly, I have to say that the products that I have...
Lovely stuff Azard. I am happy to have found your work again since the last forum shut down. Really rich tones with such warmth. apart from the...
Looks fantastic and love the box top art for these. I would love to order from you guys more, but the shipping is just to expensive to justify the...
Welcome mate. I fondly remember playing Infinity in Brisbane and Logan back in the day. Hope you get back into it soon :)
Wonderful painting on all of your minis and the Morlock is the stand out for me.
Well said mate :) Thank you.