Army: Tohaa Troop: Makaul Browser used & OS | App version and mobile OS - Army app 1.11.2 Description of the bug: all cc weapons of all profiles...
Wall flower here. To all the people trying to post ways to try him, keep at it and I wish you success. I applaud you and I will be among you. To...
Part of the tactical rocks sectorial, no doubt.
The heavy shot gun might also just be a functional way of implying the Raicho just emptying tons of ammo into a small localized space with its HMG...
Just figured i’d share examples of the last two races.
Here are a couple samples of other race things:
Thanks!! Not sure about the heels, but if I did, doesn’t matter to me!
I’ll get some other pics tonight, or after Rumble, if not able.
I’ve been doing the same thing. Tan armor for all, dark blue for cloaks/most cloth stuff and then the contrasting colors depending on the race....