Isn't it tied to allowing you to deploy inside the DZ?
Thank you very much IJW! I love that scheme!
I'm pretty sure the post nolonger exists - it was a rather long thread where the painter had done different other schemes. [IMG] Heck just...
Hi all! A few months back i found the perfect paint scheme. But now I can't find it amymore :( I'm hoping someone will be able to help me find...
@warzan I am now getting this error... [IMG] Think your blobstorage needs some help ;)
[IMG] I think the issue is back :-/
My most often used mantra has for a long time been this. Every unit is overpowered the first time you encounter something new. Learn from it...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] EI is redish skin. Umbra is bluish skin Think my Morats er gonna be either bluish or purpleish skin - want to create some...