Is there any reason to take oktavia ever?
Man pano is really dropping the ball this second phase.
Yeah NZ not being bundled with AU through aether works is really strange as thats how literally every other kickstarter goes to get here, I just...
Agent Dao ying showing up in the caravanasary "I'm putting together a team..." Same, probs going to get someone else to paint them, I love the...
The lack of Hac Tao and the two IA hero's being there is annoying. I wonder if we will have any msv 2 other than the rui shi (unlinked).
Just as the Emperor intended.
Aw Aw man impact template shotguns are one of my fave sci bits in Infinity
I reckon its a combined army probe
I'd say its fireproofing, you probs don't want your synthmuscles exposed to high temp.
Come on bro don't pretend you don't know what he means by investment here. Tactical nihilism and context denial are shitty ways to argue.
Is beyond red veil going out of production? I can't remember seeing it on the discontinued list.
If you want high end, you buy aleph/O12 if you want cost effective mid ground its gotta be yu jing.
Also I wonder how asteroid blues will factor into the timeskip. A big deal or a footnote...
He's probs getting confused with Saladin.
He is probably the hardest working model in IA, and from the lore overworked is about right.
Its probably going to come back in a yu jing code 1 box with beyond all in one.
I like them keeping it smaller scale and private as going public and getting investment for expansion often ends up diluting the niche the company...
His lore is pretty cool, profile is a strange one but I'm keen to give it a jam.
Haha Cheap and Chinese amirite should have brought Mototronican made not Lead Paint Knockoffs when will they learn support our troops amren Pope...
I think the kanren should get an inferior impersonation profile, which is what his lore seems to imply. Just basic bsg and combi varients so you...