Huge congrats mate! @Myomer Glad go see Corregidor in the spotlight:D
Definitely gonna paint up some MBs and Tsyklons. My body is ready : D Hope to get even more cool stuff once the update finally drops.
A Brigada, Lupe(if she's a wildcard) and 3 alguaciles, is not bad at all. But a preffer to have the option to choose just a single brigada. Let's...
Holy space Jesus. That's freaking awesome!
@Usashi You're nailing it mate! Great stuff! Keep them coming
Awesome greenstuff job there mate!
Great Job on the army! You're being really productive. Keep it up. : D
Amazing work as usual Hydra. Kerp posting your stuff. :D As for your self imposed 1 hour limit. That's bonkers...I can barely open the paint lid...
Awesome job on the remote tractor! It feels like a diorama. Keep it up!
Hi infinity folk, This is my conversion for the Intruder combi+light flamethower. I used the following parts: Body: Intruder HMG Arms:...
One more conversion. I really don't like the original "back scratcher" position, so the sword arm was brought down, and I also extended the...
Thanks mate!:grimacing:
Hi fellas. This is my Combi Rifle Moran conversion ripped off...errhnn... inspired by the version of @nazroth Just making my part in getting the...
This project is awesome! Keep it coming!
I though it was black hand MASSAGE... I confess I'm a bit disappointed. :pensive: PS. Cool vid as usual! :grimacing:
Find the Swiss Guard :grinning:
Striking color scheme! Your black is great.
Awesome job. Simple yet huge improvements on both minis!
Great Job Maurício. Always good to hear from Interuptor!
Great Stuff mate. Loved your whites. Care to give us the recipe? :)