Hi. I have prepared an update for these days. But I have to solve a small problem. Excuse me. As soon as I have it ready, I'll see if we finally...
Thank you very much, seriously. Your detailed posts provide me with valuable information that enables me to identify errors easily. I will check...
Hello. I've just uploaded an update to Army which will hopefully fix this issue. I need your help to test it because it is not easy to reproduce...
I answered you in the other thread. We better stay there. ^_^
Please, Tox, let's not start the year breaking Army, okay? I'm just kidding. When you can, please send me the Army Code of your list to make it...
Sorry, this totally went unnoticed by me. Take note. Thanks for notifying.
@Wizzy , please do the following test. Clear the site's cookies, make sure you don't have two Army tabs open at the same time, and try again.
Working on it. Thanks.
Maybe I didn’t quite understand your query. I can locate the Deployable Repeater in the equipment filter without a problem. [ATTACH]
Lo vimos, y estámos trabajando en ello (siento no haber avisado). Ya hemos actualizado la versión web, y los cambios en la app los veréis lo...
I'm working on it.:point_up_2:
Hi @calza27. We fixed the problem at the OTM. Please re-save the list in Army for OTM to re-register it. ^_^
I’m sorry they’re not more accessible. Take note. https://www.infinitythegame.com/media/art [ATTACH]
True, it's an error. I take note. Thanks for the warning. ^_^
Si estás tratando de entrar con un dispositivo móvil, o una tablet con una resolución inferior a 1000 puntos, te redirecciona directamente dado...
Quién te manda usar Firefox!! Es broma, voy a echarle un vistazo. Eso sí, os aviso de que tengáis cuidado si tenéis abiertas dos pestañas con...
Damn apostrophes. . . :unamused: (Noted) I'm not sure I know what you mean. Do you mean the drop-down list that appears in the Spec-Ops panel?...
Fixed. Fixed. Fixed. Fixed. Fixed.
Me temo que ya no está accesible. Lo siento. :( De hecho, la antigua App ya no aparece en la Google Store, así que si la tenéis instalada...
Oh! The solution to this error is elusive. I'm still investigating, I promise.