Funny enough in my area (meta/whatever you wanna call it), i've often found the same when playing my vanilla yu jing. If i lose that initiative...
congrats PanO! damn that video and teaser of profiles is making YJ invincble army release mad jelly. varuna alone total wicked navy seal badassness!
whoa there cowboy. read again. fully realize a HI theme army wasn't going to be 20 order monster. nor was i asking for oni's. nor was a begging...
i'm not. as banatha mentioned, to say the expectations aren't high for Invincible army after Uprising, is a bit...... well ya not going to feed......
i believe it was the Gwailo Heavy Rocket (Jan 2014... - yes jebus that's a long time of neglect by CB) that was the last Shas model we got. (and...
nice to see yujing "come back", it would be nice to see CB actually write to that... although on the other hand... kind wishing they do show their...
....... wow .. yep this force is going be strong no doubt. the power creep is real. mary problem is a damn near auto-include for the point cost.
i think major lunah gives a good bang for buck sniper sure no infiltration, but with CH:mim and CH: limited it might as well be CH: camo (i...
i recently started playing yujing vanilla. I would echo the original post comments in terms play and listing building. Without feeling like you...