A Namurr can also be included in a few different links, which boosts order efficiency through positioning as links activate. You've got to plan...
You're absolutely right that these big guys got moves - took the HRL against a Nomad list with a guided missile bot, and the combination of Sixth...
Yeah. I guess this is a theme which you can draw out in science fiction, when looking at people defining themselves against some non-human other,...
Exactly. That antagonism seems to rhyme with the sentiments of Brexit, but I wonder if the wider feelings of national identity still exist, with...
No. Perhaps this is a difference of experience between the European and the American? I'm not saying that a fictional O12 is directly analogous to...
This was equally an argument made about the European Union, and yet that exists...
True, and I would entirely expect business decisions to underpin everything like this. I guess it was more of a personal interest in the...
The new FAQ certainly makes them even more appealing - remember, when you put a Namurr in a fireteam, you also benefit from extra movement orders...
When I read Uprising, I couldn't help but think it was, in part, a reaction to various contemporary political developments (Brexit, Catalonia) -...
I think dodging on 18s, with the changes to dodge movement in the active turn, would be a bit broken! Especially with the +1", which I assume...
Against hackers, his Veteran prevents him from being isolated, which limits the damage he can sustain to being immobilised.
Sounds like your terrain might be a little space, but if you bulk it out, a Shikami might prove an awkward customer... Still get the -6 MOD, and...
Shikami nimbus + Karakuri driving forward might be terrifying. 8" movement, maximum 1 dice ARO, and you save on 10s. In the Asteroid Blues...
The way I see it, an attack only fails if you've rolled higher than the target number. Any time your hit succeeds, your opponent needs to beat it...
I quite like any of the shotgun Djanbazan, if you're able to get smoke on a corner. And now you'll have a Deep Purple earworm...
I found the pitcher is one of the key highlights of the Druze hackers - especially if you've already got Leila and an Al-Hawwa, and a Kameel...
It's not a tactic to use every time, but one that will tip the scales in specific matchups. Using the E/Mauler Bashi or Ghulam, against a...
That does also impose a -3 to attempts to dodge a chainrifle, so it's worth doing. Especially against Dakini links...
Imaginative use of Holoprojector Level 1 can be sneaky. I take both Boarding Shotgun and Chain Colt versions but misdirect when each is deployed....
That, and the Panzerfaust over the DEP, the extra range of the Red Fury (with Fatality), and stealth through repeater nets.