Is there anywhere that says you can actually place smoke on a roof or a piece of terrain? All the rules I’ve found only say you pick a point on...
The Sepsitor rule says it affects Cubes or "similar systems" but doesn't define what makes a system similar. Both Cubes and Rems can be targeted...
Does this follow on to mean that every reactive turn model on the board is "eligible" for an ARO declaration every time a non-stealth model...
The difference is that Doctor can only be used on an unconscious model. Regeneration can be used at any time. A model with Symbio is treated as a...
If a Taqeul Officer that has taken one wound and lost their Symbiont Armor successfully activates Regeneration, what happens?
While this is true, SSL2 doesn't say that you must be "affected by an attack" it says "the user must be the target of an attack" to use it.
Sixth Sense says "In order to use Sixth Sense L2, the user must be the target of an Attack." When you use an Impact Template, you select one...
The Holoecho section says: "The bearer of Holoprojector L2 and his holographic decoys act the same time, performing exactly the same Order...
OK, that makes sense. Followup question: If a holoecho (represented by a model) is reacting in ARO, but the real model doesn't GET an ARO...
But that section states that placing the model and removing the holographic decoys happen simultaneously, which is at the end of the...
That makes perfect sense. I just don't see where it actually says the 'real' trooper is revealed. It's good to have an official answer though.
Thanks for the quick response. Why does it emphasize that the echos aren't removed until the end of the order if their existence is irrelevant?
This seems like it would have been asked before, but my cursory search did not turn up a definitive answer so assistance would be appreciated....
Is there a way to enter lists after a tournament is over? I played in one last weekend and for some reason the OTM listed the event as already...