If CB could listen to my dreams: either: multiplayer rpg-esque miniatures game in the vein of Arena Rex but somehow translated to Infinitystuff....
You get another model to repair a tag, push buttons, and has dcharges, and deactivator, and it still has bs12 with mimetism. Number2 is good, but...
Dude.. replace one of the baghs with a second engineer...
When I first glanced at the OP, the pics failed to load and I thought that was the joke: all TO camo hahaha Max Ava Hexa is pretty rad.
I take the yogurt lt regurlarly. Especially now that the sogorat profile that anybsane person wants is not an LT, and any Suryat any sane person...
Don't sweat it. Almost nobody does commas correctly. This one could very well be an accidentally correct case.
Ah, the ol' Oxford comma problem. There is no comma in the sentence, so "core and Harris" are inclusive with Kamau type. It's not actually a...
This may be easier to read: [img] Neoterran Capitaline Army ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1[img] [img] [img]10...
The problem with that list is an almost complete lack of combat utility beyond 16" range. You could get boxed in with that list. I'd sacrifice...
Where is the wildcard limit stated? Some troops specifically state a couple limit. The raktorak clause does not afaik
Nothing is wrong with spam MAF. MAF has some incredible 16+ order compositions that do lots of work and are versatile thanks to hungries and be...
FA2 soggy is now the single best shooter in MAF. It is the best choice for basically everything except TO camo and smoke for the cost/swc. However...
Yeah the HRL, LSG Suryat is my favorite for the Vanguard Harris. I have no idea why, but the HRL continues to be criminally cheap. it's the second...
I thought about bit and kiss. But I wasn't sure of how to take her. I suppose I could have dropped a noctifer for bit and upgrade the unidron....
Oops copypasta error. Second list: [img] Classic ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1[img] [img] [img]10 [img] UMBRA...
I've got a three round event coming. Missions are Decapitation, Highly Classified and Safe Area. I think I'm happy with the lists I've got....
Sounds like a good game where the plan worked out. The sogorat fa2 variant is legitimately a frightening thing to face, and rodok Harris is A+....
I've got Highly classified coming up pretty soon. I like that it's one of the few missions that seems truly difficult for a great number of...
Straight gangsters in here. I'll run to the shop and get some aloe vera for these burns.
Frenzy is permanent. Model gains impetuous for rest of game. Ergo the only way to win is to quit.