Another thing: Terrain skills should give the Trooper cover whenever it is in that terrain type (and remove movement penalties as currently)....
Make 1 name change anywhere 2 rules have the same name (like Veteran and Veteran). Pretty sure they got this with changing Wounds to Vitality, but...
I'd like Light shotguns to lose the template mode - they are very good for cost in N4, especially being able to measure ZOC, and there are a lot...
I dunno about speculation but my wishlist off the top of my head would be: Some kind of interesting counterplay to guided (in preference to...
I feel like it would be better to make guided more interesting by giving it some interesting counterplay that involve more interesting choices to...
This is the way. Also Martial Arts should be streamlined to +1 CC / -1 CC (to opponent) / + 1 Dam per level. Would make it way more intuitive and...
Except if they're going first so you haven't done an order count for them to see your order pool yet, which is when they'd mostly be going for a...
Guard requires LOF [ATTACH]
That's not the joke, 8 pages and counting of incessant circular whining by the same people who don't do very well at the game over and over is the...
New Bran is like so, so good. Like maybe toooooo good. But he also feels a bit off. His whole thing was super jump PLUS Climbing plus. And...
They're still expensive. The mess of skills and equipment non character reverends pay for (High CC but not enough to be good at it (or with a CCW...
Not interested in a long adversarial pointless circular argument sorry. That kind of thing is a big reason why the forums are so dead these days....
Because other factions have a different vibe and win more and also have almost all the skills and can also basically do everything just like...
It's probably not getting taken in Vanilla anyway. Bc you already have counter intell on Puppet masters for cheap and 1 extra order on a Gator for...
I kinda feel like they messed these classic units up with the Bakunin update. Yeah a points drop on Moras is kinda nice enough, but they still...
I think there needs to be at least one Moderator, leaving either Vostiok, Pi Well or Zoe out of a Haris. Could do it in a Core tho - and Zoe gets...
Zoe, Vostok, Moderator Paramedic seems like a nice Haris yeah. Or Pi Well if you wanna throw Pitchers instead of just shoot things in the face.
If you argue with someone who just wants to argue, you're just going to get more argument. It can only go in circles.
It's almost like this is a deliberate design weakness people who think Nomads are too strong typically overlook.
8 pt MBHs aint half bad imho