Well the Wu-ming team change in one way: Imperial agents are now considered wu-mings, not just the Zhánying, so they also contribute to Fireteam...
I have been playing around the idea of ISS and tried to come up with a reasonable list. This is my first ever list with more than 12 models (and...
ISS doesn't need it, but I think it would be neat if the wu-mings got a paramedic or engineer option. :innocent:
I have played only Varuna in N4 (and later half of N3), mainly ORC fireteams with Pantsy. So my adaptation strategy is to defect to the Invincible...
All of them can be repaired (before transformation threshold).
Wasn't it 3? Neoterra, Acontecimento, Varuna?
My first instinct is Shang-Ji (as always) but they already have tac aware and terrain total (so zero-g too). But what about drum rolls.......
Boarding Pistol+1B to be precise, so each can lay down 2 direct templates. Fun times ensues.
Well, I was theory crafting yesterday and came up with the following list. (And I'm a little bit proud of mylself because I could exceed 10...
Off topic but for some strange reason Mobile Brigadas got 360°Visors. Perhaps Corregidor stole them from the Thorakitais :thinking_face:
I beg to differ. The whole point is that we can field as many Shang-Jis as PanO can Fusiliers or Nomads can Alugaciles, if anything CB should have...
I'm with Stiopa and Keith: I would really really really love to see a HI in the sectorial which is not a Suryat. ARM4 BTS6 S2 (no big models...
Yay for Janni love :blush:! Good luck to you!
Will you use Janissaries?
Remote presence is not a Repeater (or I missed something in N5?)
Did you had a chance to use the boarding pistol on the Wu-Ming? On paper I really love the addition of DTW to all profiles, but how useful is that...
Thanks for the explanation. As for the other factions, I always struggle to even get to the 10th modell :sweat_smile:, so I don't have an idea how...
I have to ask, what is so great about 8+8 models that 8+7 couldn't do? I see that you are about this on and on and on and on, but why does that 1...
You can bad mouth all day long my precious Shang-Ji, I'll still use them heavily in my lists :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue:! As...
Even though it lost 2 Orders, Avvy is still ARM9 Mim-6 monster with a DAM18 / PS2 large teardrop instakill template. Sure you can only fuel it 11...