After long break, finaly get to this project again and here is some update: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hello guys, I would like to boast project I am working on almost last 2 months. It started with the idea of having modular game board which...
so we can now link 2 wounds ODD, 6" moving, climbing plus, repeater with Custodiers hackers, Moiras (looking at you EM LGL) and Wolfgang (B5 Multi...
One of the reasons (but not only one) I start playing Druze more then year ago was because their option to build one of the most efective...
Hi Tanan, its hard to master because you don't have so many options to build your list. You have quite limited resources. you either use a lot of...
hi Magekiller, yes I consider it as an option almost every game but so far wasn't in the situation to really use it... maybe one day ;)
Something what start with "nobody playing sensor bots, lets field 3 of them, thats gonna be cool" turn out to be more successful then I was...
Hi Capo.Paint, this list is for missions I want to play first and then typically Peacemaker with auxbot are the first strikers, ideally one side...
I simply like to run Cordelia in duo with Scarface... its a specialist you can get to the mid of the table simply for free. and its also...
You are right, I miss that one, but then I would be able to to put one, shoot with one remote, then put another one and shoot with another one......
Hi folks, as this forum section is still quite dry, let me share some of my experiences playing Druze. Today I went for another tournament,...
I am thinking about all camo list (sure except Taigas) and quite often when I am putting list together I just ends up with 3 or even more Seed...
Hi sorniak, I see your points, and now thinking about it, maybe I was just still on euphory when writing down this post. and yes you correct, in...
Maybe, but in my eyes its more like she is a bot for Scarface ;) even if some other remote get destroyed and I want to repair, Scarface moves...
Ahoj here! Not so much live in Druze section of this forum, so let me share my experience with Druze from last weekend. Couple of weeks ago a...
in the list where I have EM LGL and Guided ML, I play also 2 Hanzakuts and 3 Pathfinders to have enough of FO ;) Played few games with them...
Parking this post here in case some new player from Schweitz is looking for a game. We are few players in Basel area (feel free to PM me if thats...
Hi guys, I am looking onto DBS and wanted to ask you if there are any rumors from CB if this sectorial, similarly others NAA, if they are...
starting on Onix right now and this is a list which absolutely sold me on! mainly because this is one of just few lists in Infinity which I am...
So with who she can duo? Bounty hunters doesnt have duo ...