[IMG] Get Ready for the First Infinity the Game Satellite in Belarus. Date: April, 12-13 Place: Minsk Pre-Registration:...
I've played locally several times with the previous list (resilience, bi-pong, armory, mindwipe) - will keep it for the tournament :-) Absolute...
Have played guit a lot of games in tts with IGL top 16 guys and live in our local communities. So .... For vanilla definitely you need daturazies...
If you want to get really heavy - take the noucrtrias in duo with him to get tinbot. But Xeadron in haris with k1 riffle with +1 burst makes me...
So placing hiddens is usually private. So we are playing it like this , one player turn around the other place the miniature, make a roll if...
So I've tested it vs Ranah Taskforces https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/ramah-taskforce.svgnewer basic test...
Thank you !! It was really helpful. We'll try to play around this extra in the next local tournament
Suppose the same story with Corax Spec-Ops => Corax Hasht
So I had a big pause in gaming and recently discovered that Tretiak Spec-Ops isn't a valuable in Army app, so actually I have 3 of them in my...
I've got your point and actually it was the same thoughts when I was building it. But frankly - 4 orders for bit&kiss suppose not enough. So you...
Just tested the second one, here some thoughts - 2 hackers(even if one as an uber) is far not enough - very defensive gameplay if you specula...
Have 2 lists and wondering which might be more consistent https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/onyx.svgOnyx Hack...
Where is it stated that it's not explicitly allowed for Pilots? haven't found it neighther on pilots, nor on bike drivers
the thing is, even your move=0 where is it starting? If you dismounted in base to base to enemy model, so the mine can not effect engaged...
Couldn't find the case, so it might be interesting We have a TAG , enemy model in 28mm or less and a mine The trick is, when I declare...
Need to clarify - I supposed it already has the 14 damage Explosion in AD the Trooper makes a Direct Template Attack, placing the center of...
the thing is - that there's a lack or doc/eng to make objectives from the deck - for the rest - you have the tag pilot , which can be delivered...
I use very dumb, but suprisingly effective list based in classical 2 speculas with minelayers....