Damn. A flat 15 model cap across the board is probably one of the more stifling design choices made in N4. I maybe hold a candle that they might...
When you're building the army, click the settings button/cog and tick reinforcements. I haven't figured how to keep it selected yet.
Having a good look CSU are a great addition to Druze being something that doesn't overpay for its kit that isn't a character. Forza is interesting...
This is getting a little old mate. Thats exactly the point of early reveal teasers is to get the speculation going. If CB wanted this to be more...
Just one of the better speedhumps in mates and the ever present uncounterable threat of eclipse CC units that means any big rambo piece needs to...
I've really enjoyed the episdodes! Looking forward to watching the last couple back to back for a big finish. year and half is better than many...
If you're referring to myself or other posters in the last couple pages you're going to need to be more specific? Otherwise I have to question...
into the too hard basket we go again. I get that dealing with people who don't agree with you is hard work. Thats why its literally a profession...
Because its not my job to assume the best in something until i've been burned a sufficient number of times to conclude that assumption wrong....
Thank you. I couldn't find words to convey how this explanation isn't really an explanation.
Its been how many years with how many army updates? How was this only found now? Are we certain other units are not underpaying? Since we know...
Oh how such a reasonable request has derailed into this mess I don't know. Something conveniently glazed over is these 'passionate vocal...
That's a bunch of previews! Some really cool models though. Patchers homage is crack up. As always, 3d renders are sometimes hard to make out...
Can this thread return to atleast tangentially talking about the daemonist or just cease to exist please.
I don't think getting personal with CB staff is fair or reasonable. Its a stupid nerf but it's still just a game.
Based on this line of thinking what did druze get?
I will join the question as it's also affected druze and is a pretty rough hit given how much points are a premium in that army.
Sadly bounty hunters don't count as druze. So you need to switch out to a digger or Brawler for those sweet core bonus.
Shame too cuz that would be a legit wee haris. Not that it would help here but it also occurred to me that it's really weird that valerya doesn't...
Super jump is often a representation of mobility in zero g as well. There are ways to explain the movement if you just try a little harder. In...