Blank post should I come up with something to add.
Starting Ramah Task Force In this article we’ll go through the first few purchases needed to assemble and field a Ramah Task Force army in N4. To...
Army: Hassasim Bahram (presumably all of Haqq) Troop: Hafza (Reinforcement) Browser: Chrome Description: Option to chose Holomask for Hafza when...
While I can understand that CommLink profiles cost extra SWC (changing the format and what lists can do) I am unsure why we all pay seemingly...
What happened to the Hafza CommLink? Was that a mistake? Are we going to see more CommLink options? Anyway - thanks for trying to rethink the...
But Discover is not BS attack, Hacking Program or Comms Attack, is it? So what makes Targeted apply to Discover? Other than FAQ telling us that it...