Not sure if this is intentional but it feels like an oversight. Army: vHaqq and HB Troop: Fiday Browser used & OS | App version and mobile OS:...
I think it's a fairly reasonable statement that the majority of the community does not like speedball as a mechanic, with the most broad...
I really, really hope they do not cut Mutts from vHaqq. I kinda doubt they will since they have a fairly highly play rate in vHaqq, but Mutts imo...
Personally I would contest that a big factor in the drop of vHaqq's winrate from season 14 to 15 is the increased popularity of factions like...
Losing these characters actually doesn't do anything to SP. The only profile that was seeing a lot of play in competitive lists was Pandora, and...
I entirely disagree with the idea that the Mk1 is better than the Mk2 - I think I actually have the opposite opinion. Yes the Mk2 has two less...
Tbh I kinda think CB killing the Mk1 and introducing the Mk2 was a good move, and something I hope they eventually follow through on. The Mk1 is...
You piss people off if you do something. You piss people off if you do nothing. You piss people off if you do A, and the same happens if you do B....
Generic BS 14 TAG vs pure core Fusi ML Active (0.73 wounds / order): Wins F2F: 56.8% Causes 1+ wounds: 45.6%, Causes 2+ wounds: 21.0%,...
Nomads does have some stuff that is very vulnerable to IMPs (mostly their hackers), but they also have units that give them some incredible IMP...
Honestly I think the bigger issue PanO has is it's pretty poor selection of close assault tools. In terms of good options, the faction has...
So perhaps this is a somewhat contentious opinion, but I actually think CB should give all factions (maybe not all sectorials though) access to...
Active turn DTWs do not meaningfully counter expensive mimetism pieces. Active turn DTWs are extremely inefficient when it comes to killing stuff....
Any particular thoughts or wishes? As for my own personal wish list: - Maggie needs something. Either a cheaper price, or some kind of more...
I get that the proliferation of DTWs is frustrating, especially for a lot of premium 1Wers, but I think they are somewhat of a necessary evil in...
I agree that Haqq has maybe had it rough over the last few years in terms of rules support and mini releases, but I honestly think it's internal...
I get what you are saying, but I'd argue that list construction is a significant skill and factor in a competitive context, and that while the...
I think this has been stated a lot, but it's worth restating. There are a lot of redundant and/or outmoded units in the game right now. List...
Rules for stuff like APCs or Humvee type vehicles that could transport other units could be interesting if implemented correctly. A big set of TAG...
It's def not easy to do, but I think a proper MBT will eventually grind it down (granted, it's not gonna be order efficient), and as already...