And you completely missed this part? "I just bought the Palatine SoB just because I like the mini, and the level of details completely holds up...
You don't like it? I find much stronger than in N4, and now it has a reason to be deployed, which imho didn't have back in N4
As good as someone that doesn't know the difference between resin and hard plastic, that says that 20 yo minis are 40 yo, and that says worst...
Oh that’s funny I always disliked Elves in every game, and it’s the very first time in several decades that I’m actually hyped about an Elven release
No, those aren’t finecast nor resin. Those are pure hard plastic miniatures from GW of 20 years ago. Not 40 Again… You can have a stronger...
LoL That’s just your opinion… I got into WH when they transferred from metal to plastic and they were god awful....
I haven't played KCF nor played against them for exactly the reasons you mention. But saying KCF is broken doesn't seem to make much sense in my...
As much as I’m no fan of Siocast, I have absolutely no issues for the Dronbots to be in Syocast if it can allow to decrease the price. You never...
Possible also depends on the volume of the miniature. eg: no problem with the Squalo MK2 that is a quite fat guy, but the Roadbot is very very...
Unrelated to Warcrow but I broke at the level of both heels my O12 Roadbot just by holding it firmly for painting. I know, I should use a...
The Tinker is super cool! Absolutely love the miniature. I like how she is sexy without being an over the top pinup (same for Harper by the way)....
I fully agree. When seeing the changes the changes to impersonation and shotgun, and then hopping into SEF and seeing the huge Taigha nerf I was...
Infinitythegame website seems down. Things are moving
Is the N5 Army app restricted or available to everyone? I can't seem to find a "N5 beta" button
She's definitely NOT an auto include, and the KotHS is still a better pick, and by a huge margin, but the TacAw and Stealth (and AP Spitfire) is...
I hope for them it’s the case! I didn’t plunge yet as I’m first waiting for other factions to be released (and for the army app too), but seeing...
And Heavy Flamethrower Not for nothing that the MO Tik is one of the best TAGs in the game
If you have BS +1SD and are in a Duo fireteam that provides with 1 additional die, do you roll 2 extra dice and then discard two of them?
Because I'm dumb :joy:
Oooooh ok That makes fully sense