Thank you!
Does the BS Attack (SR-1) mean the target of a BS attack makes one less save on attack rolls? If not what exactly does it mean?
Yes (dammit lol)
Ok So Model A declares Dodge while they have the ability Dodge (-3). The opponent declare BS as their ARO. Model B does so at a -3.
I understand that negative modifiers apply to the enemy. As such with the above example any time an enemy model declares dodge they get a -3 to...
If someone says, "If I move my Kazak from here to here hugging this wall are there any AROs I would incur? (the unasked part of this statement is,...
Army: Ariadna (TAK) Unit: Colonel Voronin Device: Android Once in Play where you can click on skills to link to the Wiki, Voronin's Strategos L1...
Any time I have had it I just reloaded the list and the error removes itself.
So Flat Out question to answer here then: Do Decoy Camo markers also incur the mimetism penalty in discover checks the creator of the token has...
So... what if the ARO declaring player doesn't have the knowledge to possibly declare the Hacking ARO? Like are they cheating by not even knowing...
I tried building this one. Thank you for the advice...
Thank you to all who answered. :D
My opponent moves a model close to ZoC of my Veteran Kazak but not in LoF. (6th sense allowing me to ignore the -3 for dodging without LoF). I'm...
Here is my attempt at a quick list:...
I mean... you already know that things were disrupted by Covid. And the initial release was going to be buggy. That's sort of what happens with...
This in't a loophole. The other person declares their ARO at the dodge (Picture 3). They can declare Dodge. if they both succeed the active model...
I see your way as well. My only real response is that if they were to get put in that situation as shown they would HAVE to climb if possible,...
Just to add an additional clarify: SKILLNAME (+X) applies a +X bonus to any d20 roll the user makes with SKILLNAME, F2F or not. Notable...
Makes sense to me there. So SKILLNAME (-X) applies a -X penalty to any opponent F2F rolls when the user declares SKILLNAME.