Except that not everyone wants the same thing. And "a bunch of people" is definitely not representative of all Infinity players. You really have...
Nah, you didn't. You seem to also have issues understanding the concept of "proof"...
Luckily, indeed! But it could be you as well, it's not that complicated. Give it a try! :) Let's talk again about that Achilles things in some...
Which mistakes? Was Ko-Dali a mistake? I don't think so. Was the Uprising a mistake? Even less, considering how well JSA sells. And yeah, let's...
Where did I say that? Oh right, nowhere... Funny also that you bring back the Ko-Dali thing but not the Uprising. Anyway. I'm just pointing out...
We could add that people were already predicting CB's doom after the Ko-Dali thing... And then again after the Uprising... And then again with...
And what is that "proof"? You know nothing about N5 future balance. Rules, profiles, sectorial composition, fireteams, future releases (for Aleph...
Yeah, most of the time I try to chill and casually read the forums. Guess why I "activated" these few last weeks? Because the forums got flooded...
Yeah, I feel (and I hope) they designed the new Vanilla lists keeping in mind to remove some "duplicates" (like Fractaa VS Rasyat), but keeping...
Take a chill pill, boy, you're all nervous and tensed. You are claiming that the Hatamoto is "discounted". For such a claim not to be just random...
That would be cool. It would picture well some slow, short-ranged, but extremely precise weapon, like a bow handled by a super-trained soldier.
Would you mind sharing with us that nice N5 point formula that you used to calculate the discount on the Hatamoto? I'd also like to know the name...
You may want to re-read carefully my messages as I said none of this :) Still better than being a clock which is late and is thus never right :)
Everyone is paying their bills. It would have been way less impactful than having some of Aleph's best known face, someone who's supposed to be...
Great, can't wait! Hopefully, we won't have to wait too much for the profiles to be updated...
If I understood correctly, Vanilla would be limited to Duo/Harris. Althought I found 5-men Core incredibly cumbersome to play, I feel like Duo and...
Yeah, meh. I'll keep using a regular Domaru to play it.
Take a chill pill, pal. NO, that is not the problem. People are not mad about Ko-Dali because they lost 15 bucks 15 years ago. You cannot...
Of course they are making mistakes. But to me, things like Uprising or the current Achilles thing are not. I fail to see how this is connected...
How can you say that when you can do lists with 2 mimetic total reaction drones + 2 noctifers? :stuck_out_tongue: