Yes. N4 hacking is worse for HI. Late N3 hacking you could often run HI uncontested because projecting your hacking area too much tended to get...
We're allowed to discuss prices, make off hand remarks such as "I thought Monofilament CCW were like 8 points? Nah, that was N2 pricing, they're...
Sounds like you're playing N4. If your opponents have figured out how to put hackers into fireteams or how to force non-movement skill...
The biggest change from N3 to N4 is not in the rulebook you can buy physically, but in the FAQ (and now also reflected on the wiki); The whole...
Entering Impersonation-2 Marker state would be in addition to the current functionality.
I don't know whether Combined is top of the list or several spots below the lowest part of the list. It's likely one or the other, and I'm leaning...
Did you know you can re-enter Holomask during a game? You can. But all it lets you do is lie about a profile your opponent already has seen....
Stick down a repeater or two on your way to murder someone. BSG Minelayer Guilang are great.
My personal guts reaction is that everything will likely be so vastly different with alternating turn order that everything might turn out to be...
I think a more serious offender here are synchs and controls in that case. Though reducing spam incentives is a good goal for a skirmish game,...
You may have come to a different conclusion than I did. If your playtesting yielded that 25-ish units results in a game that takes significantly...
Please take the time to read the following statement. infinity has a lot of highly optimised very low-cost units and those will reign supreme,...
There's the arguments to be made that, even if not everything needs to be optimised; a) units can still have a role through faction scarcity as...
"Someone"? My dude. Psystorm doesn't make sense because he sets up a strawman to make the same argument I did but in hyperbole. Usually when you...
You make no sense what so ever. Wtf are you responding to?
Have you visited the Baltics lately? My meta and the Baltic meta is overlapping atm and the Baltic meta is rough. Bears and spotlight everywhere
Honestly hope they remake the current Long Ya profile into a Yaokong variant and make the Long Ya a proper S5. They are seriously very big minis....
I disagree. In part because they really were performing well for the players who learned to use them (I didn't, but I also knew I sucked at using...
Hell. CB has more or less implicitly acknowledged that Impetuous isn't actually a disadvantage when they made it optional on bikes.
That's one of the things that CB doesn't seem interested in revisiting. For what it's worth, I frequently see Asawira as solo pieces for Haqq...