I need that Sunduqbut in my life, even if it's just as a Long Ya proxy.
Mercs getting sidelined for Vanilla should be the next thing in N4. We already have the system/button in place, just extend it to all mercs and...
And while we're at it: Where is my LiuXing Spitfire/MR combi blister?
The Nadhir is probably a Flammenspeer. Check the Tankos and Mowang for reference. I dont have them here with me, but I believe they have the dual...
The daylami lsg dude is excellent, probably my favourite from the entire set. Not too excited about the rest to be quite honest, but I'm having...
Bald daylami dude looks awesome.
For me it would end up looking something like this, depending on deployment, initiative, board layout etc: Druze Hacker Druze HMG Druze...
Sooo first reveals tomorrow, right?
Those new Thorakitai bode well for the SP remake.
Didn't you get the memo? Evaders are now 8-2.
Incredible paint job that completely turned around my perception of the octavia sculpt. Guess I'll have to get her now, maybe as a fiddler proxy...
So does she get B4 in CC with her breaker pistols? Seems I haven't caught up to the N4 Haqq meta yet...
I agree that the terminology is perhaps needlessly convoluted here and I do see your point regarding the structure of the order expenditure...
I'm not a native English speaker, so I might not be able to express my argument precisely enough. I'll try again in a more simple manner, please...
It's strange indeed if you are not familiar with the N3 version of Triangulated fire. But here's another way to rationalize it: In order to...
Welcome to the community! Feel free to drop me a PM if you happen to be located in or near NRW :) If you got two Vargars in your BY:Kaldstrom Box...
Both Marksmanship and Triangulated fire refer specifically to "BS", "BS attack" and "BS roll" though. The -3 Damage is a MOD applied to the saving...
Don't worry, we're all in the same boat in this regard.
TAK turn one: The stunned Fiday was too tempting a target to ingore. His MBH emerged behind the low building on the right side and sped along the...
Haqqislam turn one: My opponent was pretty much null deployed except for his autoturret on top of the low building. Since this was going to be my...