I'm only familiar with one definition of "blue falcon" vis-a-vis militaria slang - and it's NOT a good term. Someone who volunteers for the...
It would be easier to lower your unrealistic "beauty" standards to make something subjectively less "ugly".
I'm old enough to remember when "POS" didn't mean "Point of Sale" but had a more scatalogical bent and EPOS was an electronic version of the same....
Looks like where they are usually available for download is 503 atm. Normally on Infinitythegame.com/resources/downloads - the file is...
Technically, the guns have magazines. "Clips" are a different animal. An easy enough fix, though.
It's called a TAG dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. Keep dreaming, little Ariadnans.
It's not so much "heartbreaking" for me as "Oh crap." I'm not devastated by it or anything - I paint so I can put the dollies on the table and...
I've done the accidental varnish with black primer thing ... twice in about 20 years. I just pick them up and while the paint is still fresh and...
None of the existing TAG sculpts will be siocast. Any of them that go OOP or get resculpts will probably get done in it, though. Way too soon to...
Why does he need extra armour on his back? Apart from "Incoming fire has right-of-way, but incoming friendly fire trumps it."
You can get smaller bits than that. I have some bits that go down to .3mm (I got my bits from an electronics hobby supply store in Oz, so other...
My ITS13 F-13 defensive turret guns. [IMG] Converted from some Mantic auto sentry guns and some panO combi-rifle front ends off some old...
Did up a few more units for this army. 2 Authorised bounty hunter (motorcycles) and a sidebot for my Lawkeeper proxy . Rather than mount them...
Oh, the facial animation was at least better than the LAST iteration of GITS. But GITS hasn't been the best and brightest in a loooooong time.
It has been confirmed by CB to be FD +8" - the "+2" is an error. It was on their social media (instagram, I think).
Thingiverse has some antennae, crash-coffin analogs, consoles, crates and the like....
No, Isolated only disconnected if the CONTROLLER was isolated. NOT the sync or servant bot. The same clause is used for both the sync and...
[img] [img] [img] [img] These are all in the 1:48-1:55ish scale (but mostly "box" scale - as in they are all the size that fits into the same...
But you have to go to Shentang for some decent Chop suey.
There's a variety of stuff in 1:43 to 1:55 in die-cast these days (cars, some motorcycles, trucks, cranes, buses, trams). These are some of mine....