3 of the 4, Nourikas is a special character in Code One for some reason.
It doesn't, at least in the current fluff. Like, we do know how EXP CCWs work in Infinity's made up world, but T2s fluff only references bullets,...
It's been a hallmark of the faction since IS came out. So many Pheasants were bought and then never ever saw a game. At least Cranes got good...
The Shujae doesn't have Hidden Deploy That's the other ODD forward deployed Hassassin they just got.
Ikhol isnt a thing in N4 There's CC(-X), which replaces it, but might as well give them MA 1 so they get -3 cc and +1 damage
Well, we know from Uprising that the Emperor is a fucking idiot, so he might think that. It might even come true thanks to Gutier's writing.
Hopefully not, Id rather not have to shoot Adil in the back of the head Or worse, have to play him in CA.
He was the OG mixed link.
You laugh, but mine killed a Fiday in cc back in N2.
The Shadowrun vidya games are free on the Epic Game Store. Granted, the store is trash, but if mr Fortnite Money wants to gift me those games I'm...
Its sort of like how you are pronouncing gif wrong. A meme-
An antipode is smart-ish. Not as much as humans, which is why dog warriors are on the dujmbre side, but I would guess a beartipode would be...
Shona has an actual Excalibur. Which is dumb as fuck, but she has it. An almost mythical sword found somewhere in the Caledonian mountains.
Hey, did anyone notice that Kosmosoldats and Wulverguy have exactly the same stats? Smells like bad proofreading
The change to make Medikit useable without it being suicide also seem to point in that direction. If medikit stays the way it is in Code One the...
They get Fairy Dust, I guess.
I like explosions. This one doesn't have EXP ammo. Therefore, worse tankhunter. I still reallly like the profile.
How is the Zenit a Space Scout, it starts in your deployment zone. Worse Space Tankhunter is more like it.
Neoterra is very out. They don't even have Bolts or a starter in production.
I did once. For Lifeblood. Remember that mission? It was trash.