now make a rider and put it on this cyber gorilla :)
is MRRF a Miss spelled MILF ? Btw faces need to get a highlight made with base colour yuo used before wash got applayed - they wil get better...
or you paint evrything naked and then paint cloths on it :)
you mean like this ?? [IMG]
a bit to dark photo ok ima lier - photo is way to dark and i have no clue whats going one - i think i recognize 2 green bikes but rest ?/
ok last but not lest for now :) [IMG] [IMG] Miamoto Sashimi - nice design but suffers from same flaw as all minis in first pack - rubery...
Hoy Hoy :) [IMG] [IMG] So monkey boy :) - nice mini fun to paint and again i completly do not like official colours - fire inspiration from...
Ha ha well you may like to check this topic it is...
ok look at barbarian flesh and dragon scales by Bogusz you may find there some ideas...
so next minis from Aristea [IMG] [IMG] So Dart , Valkir and Sworld girl Dart - not bad mini but details on face left alone to guess :)...
ok lets go [IMG] [IMG] So we got a Banana peal thrower girl - interesting concept but cast is not best same as meterial - i was surprised how...
not on all black parts in this way you will just reduce over all brightnes of the element you want to get black glaze in the shadows
ok that's almost PO XD a tip about black - when you do black after you are done - get and give it a glaze of pure black in shadows - it...
ok lest follow things up [IMG] [IMG] So Hellboy , An Nooctopussy , and a Whilpgirl ?? Ye it is a hellboy ... thous 3 minis are quite good...
do not put white in to skin colour unless it is albono skin colour is a Very rich and comploicated thing including green blue red , as addon...
ok lets add some grup shots :) [IMG] [IMG] This is a trio of random minis: a werewolf with strange face , a mage i have no clue for long time...
Ok i figured something you tend to use a desaturated colours and even if you get a n orange it is milked out one so how a bout a kranking up...
ok here we go again :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ok this is one of 2 newewst minis and i mustadmit the quality of cast and material things are...
Freespace 2 on GoG for Free
Even more of Aristea :) one of best Designe they made [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] and i menage to paint this one after spending like eternity in...