I shed a tear for my Nokia phone when it's battery finally gave up after 7 years. People are so desperate for social connections we will...
It's not Infinity specific, but it also works for Infinity: https://www.nerfnow.com/comic/2524
I'm not convinced that needs to be a house rule, I believe that's actually how the rule is meant to work.
Last time we had a Bostria "ok" drinking challenge, three people and a dog were hospitalized.
Full Auto L2 doesn't seem to apply the -3 MOD to the opponent if it dodges.
Someone tell me why should I pick Namurr over Mukhtar or Hortlak?
https://store.corvusbelli.com/search?q=Foreign No Securitate (yet).
CB has been known to make these kind of errors in previews for ever. If it's a fake, it's really well made, right down to the fonts on the logo.
From designated targets: "In some scenarios, enemy HVTs are considered enemy troopers instead of Neutral Civilians..."
1. Active trooper is in cover and declares BS Attack as it's first short skill against the reactive trooper. 2. Reactive trooper AROs with Light...
Are their colors based on MLPFIM?
If only modern technology allowed people to edit pdf files.
Also saturation zones, since we got visibility zones.
Found a bug: Link teams give a burst bonus to Forward Observer.
Is that a 55mm base or are Angel's hands small?
You'd need to find an opponent willing to allow that. If they're even one atom width inside the scenery peace their dispersion fails and is placed...
Engineers cancel all applicable states from the target with a single short skill, multiple orders not needed. "by passing a Normal WIP Roll, the...
Emily in a full link team might actually be one of the best forward observers in the game. FO still benefits from the link team by getting a WIP...
I was checking speculative fire with a heavy grenade launcher and it says DAM is 13.