[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] @-V- Thanks for considering! now half way to go. I'll do my best for our community. ;)
@-V- I have same question. Can I get standard tactics cards files for only Translate for our community?
Kosmo is love. look so cute!
I used Vallejo game colors. Skin color is Dwarf skin and multiple thin layer applied. Hair is Moon Yellow, green is complicate I used Sick green...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Those Aristos painted by Chara Rodriguez but half of Aristos are mine. he doing great work!...
Okay today I played game with one of my good friend. He played CA, and I played Tohaa. Mission was Decapitation in ITS S9 book. *Warning : tons...
'92. Thanks god too
Can I write another languages with English translation?
How about changing her DHD? anything good if she can throw away her DHD. personally i wish CB reduce her cost and SWC. come on. 0.5 for just DHD?...
WELL. I'm surprised too. even as Asian player I am, I didn't feel offence about names that much. and also their fluff goes shit like old history....
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Kriza Boracs from Nomad. Now done. next work : [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Healer is next. or MB.
:joy::joy::joy: :smirk:
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hello fellas. long time no update. :) New artworks by Wherewolf! He drew Cute cat Moderator from Bakunin. Original link :...
I just uploaded all Tohaa profiles but I did something mistake on Kaauri sentinels profile. how do I fix it?
Seems good idea!
Agree. Multi-Wound Paramedics better. When I make single group army, Sakiel Paramedics always take their place. :D
well I used Kamaels for Specialist in fireteam. Fighters(Any models can be join fireteam except Kamaels and Makauls)+Kamael Paramedic+Makaul is my...
I think Tohaa 300pts pack is best one if you want start Tohaa. almost everything you can get. My suggestion is 300pts pack + Chaksa box(or Kaauri...
Heeey. Welcome to CB forum! 어서와요 :D ㅋㅋㅋ
http://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=miniaturegame&no=11745&page=1 What a coincidence! Your wish granted! bro lol even i didn’t tell...