Grabbed it off of thingiverse as an STL (main format for all 3d printer slicers). Loaded it into 3D builder (free program on windows 10 and 8...
You're 100% correct Snikch. It's the biggest problem with my table. The last post I made showed some things I painted up to block sight lines.
I'm not sure where the 1k for the cost of the table comes from. I finished up a sewer system for an RPG that easily covered 3'x3' for only about...
Always happy to see a Tohaa board. Nice work.
one of the things I really need on my board is better options for blocking fire lanes but I've had issues with this as I like playing with tall...
I'd love this feature too.
I'm pretty sure these forums has a session length setting that would just need to be changed.
Just realized that you were talking about painting Plastcraft stuff. I'm not really sure they'd be safe to use spray-paint on, try it out on a...
The buses are actually on my airbrush table and about half way done so hopefully I'll finish them as I have a poor track record with vehicles...
Here's one with using spray paint and house paint [MEDIA] And here's one from Warsenal using normal paints and pigments...
is it possible to get a general discussion thread like "Access Guide to the Human Sphere" on the new forum? Seams like there's a lot of stuff...
Spell check is done by your browser. Chrome has a way to disable it via the settings. From what I understand you can also disable it on a per...
I don't know what IJW is getting on about. We've been posting names of manufacturers in the terrain section of the old form for years. Just...
With Aristeia out I have some 3d printed terrain I've designed for the game. I was going to embed a cool 3d model viewer but it looks like...
All web browsers do this now, generally though a plugin, so there's no real need for the forums to do it as well.
Depends on how ruff you are with them. MDF can easily get blunted around sharp edges but of you're not storing them where they can rub against...
It is time based. Kept a window open and came back a few hours later and was logged out. Also it looks like the log in page doesn't work with my...
Any chance to add sketchfab support for us in the terrain section with 3d printers? Doing so will allow us to embed 3d model viewers as their...
same here. Have to log in every time I come back.
Road and Elevated board layout This next one is using a lot more of the roads and the elevated section options of my board set from Wargames...