A Caribbean leisure facility featuring mixed coastline of beach and ironshore (Aquatic & Mountain), mangrove swamps (Jungle, saturation zone), a Zero-Gym (Zero-G) large removable windows in the buildings (destructible scenery, also can be opened by hacking) an observation tower (elevator) and a steam room (low-vis).
Definitely not enough spaceship scenarios in Infinity. Said the guy with a couple of idle Crusader Brethren...
Koni told us last week, we would get some information this week, but he hasnt been seen this week at all:( Profiles will appear in Army on the 25th.
I heard today and tomorrow are holidays in Spain, so my hopes are slim. But well, in 8 days we have the profile on Army...
Today is Galician literature day which seems like something CB would observe. Tomorrow looks like a normal day for Spain though.
Nope, today is just "Galicia's literature day", not a Spanish National Holiday but a possible one for CB. And maybe some of them will take tomorrow as a free day, it's not uncommon to fill such days to make a 4-5 day long "small vacation".
The stats! The new Medjector looks cool as well. Also of relevance from the link below: "Another reason why the main focus is on them, is their troop profile. A completely new profile for Haqqislam and a little sneak peak into the future, this troop belongs to the Ramah Taskforce Sectorial Army. A very interesting addition to the ranks of the Human Sphere Nation." https://www.infinitythegame.com/blog/news/item/507-hakim-special-medical-assistance-team
Oh I really like them. I love the submachine gun profile and the fact they can shoot their med-injector and not drop phys on the model to roll if necessary.
Well, you are still dropping to target's PH roll from their own WIP roll of a whooping 15+3 with doctor plus, so there's that. But then again, Medjectors are nice in their consistency with our "reviving with +3 MOD" philosophy. Am I correct that I can drop both doc and his nasmat independently in terms of placement (as long as I fulfill AD2 instruction)? An it wouldn't be me if I didn't try to be a downer, so here we go: we don't get Akbars for our cubed 2W guys in Ramah... Unless there will be Ramah specific profile? I honestly doubt that.
SMG Chain-colt is pretty damn spiffy, I just wish the PH was a taaaad higher for Regeneration but it doesn't look like they pay too much in points for it anyways.
I hoped they will be cheaper... but airlanding doc+ with WIP15 and shock immunity for 23/27 isn't that bad after all
Lots of uses for that Nasmat from an unexpected angle. Mine clearance, tying problematic units up in CC, I’m sure there are more possibilities. sad no Akbar, but I’ll take it. 23/27 is fairly costed. Plus he seems to be our most heavily armoured LI too for some reason, packing 2 ARM, 3 BTS. Regeneration on 11 is *ok*, it has a chance to really be annoying to the opponent. Maybe without the extra armour and Regen he would simply be too well costed. As the Hakim is now, his price range does present a decent viable alternative to other doctor options we have in faction.
The Zhayedan and Govads say hello at ARM 2 BTS 3 as well. Also, Tarik is Light Infantry at ARM 3 BTS 3 but I can understand excluding him.