Since you offered to help, I do have a suggestion. If you could go through and try to flag as many incorrect/changed/updated profiles as you can identify and put them in a shared document that we can both edit it would make the next big update much easier.
You built a really great tool! What I'm always missing is the option to see an image of the trooper instead of only the icon. This isn't a feature an expert is using - but will help a lot for beginners and also when starting with a new faction. Thx again for this great tool! I really like it on the iPad! Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk P.S.: On the infinity page there is a catalog with URLs like this and there can be an link to the image.
i really liked that feature in an old builder for N2, we could open a windows showing what the model were. At least nowadays we have
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it is extremely unlikely that such a feature will ever be implemented in MayaNet.
It's not really dissapointing. It just would have been a wonderful feature that no other builder has. You really did a great work with the MayaNet. Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
I'm currently working on the second wave of NA2 updates! Due to the fact that JSA moving out of Yu Jing will result in a lot of units being deleted from the army, I had to rework how I handle data upgrades internally. Currently it's a big pain for me to delete units, so I'm spending some time updating the system to make it work a little better. As an upside, it should once and for all fix any weird data issues people with really old installations have. In the past, MayaNet handled data upgrades by editing all the unit data in place; this meant that if I deleted a unit, I had to write code that went through every single roster that might have that unit in it and manually remove it. The new system will save all rosters (using the same methods as the forum export links), delete ALL unit and roster data, cleanly reinstall everything, and then re-import the rosters. This should result in a much more clean and consistent unit database for all users, without having old bugs quietly poisoning some people's databases. I'm also going to break some old compatibility and upgrades. All existing JSA rosters will be deleted, as I am making no effort to automatically replace units with their new JSA equivalents. It's a new army, so you'll need to make new lists. I'm also removing some code for compatibility with older installations; it's no longer important that you be able to import rosters from pre-HSN3 versions of MayaNet or that you can upgrade the app from pre-HSN3 installations. I've had some help from @macfergusson and @Bobman identifying units that have changed in the most recent updates, and as soon as I'm done reworking data upgrade internals I'll start with the data entry.
Sorry for the lack of posts. Short version is no major news. I've gotten most of the internal code changes taken care of, and all I really have left are the big unit changes such as moving the entirety of JSA out of the Yu Jing part of the database. The last couple of months have been pretty stressful between family and work, and I just haven't had the energy for doing what is basically more work when I have downtime.
Hey Toadchild, I think I speak for everyone who uses Mayanet that it is an invaluable tool for playing Infinity. It works a lot better than the Army builder and I could never imagine using paper (like some sort of animal?!). I wonder if there is some sort of way players who use your app can offer donations? While I'm sure you can't sell the app, is there a way for users to support you through Patreon? Just food for thought.
Thanks for the kind words and positive feedback. I appreciate that people want to support my efforts, but for the time being I prefer to not accept financial donations. It's actually for selfish reasons - if people are paying me money, it starts to feel more like a job and that I have a requirement to deliver the product on time. And fortunately I make enough money through my regular job that I don't need additional support. On that note! Sorry it's been so slow. I know people are awaiting it anxiously, and I know you're disappointed that I haven't updated for several months. But the fact is that this is a hobby project for me, and which projects get the most time and attention is based on a lot of factors.
Greetings Toadchild, I discovered your app for Ipad this past week and was blown off my feet amazed. I absolutely love it. Having used the enhanced Ibook format that Games Workshop puts out for some of their Codex's for 40K, it really helps to be able to (at the touch of the screen) be able to find what your looking for in a snap. I make Vassal Modules for board games and understand all the hard work that goes into making these. So just wanted to say thanks for all your hard-work in providing such a useful tool. Cheers
I've started moving all the JSA units over to their new home. No ETA yet, but I'm making forward progress again.
First pass on JSA is done; Ikari and Starco are next. There are a few additional items I'll have to circle back around for, but they are of secondary importance.
Maya net is my favorite way to build armies. Army 6 is nice, but I much prefer the tactile integration of Mayanet. I don't know much about coding, but I'm pleased to see that work is still progressing!