It was a three month period where they announced the fact that they were going to release a new edition of the rules. They provided the beta document for the rules, as well as all the stats. Back then, they just had their regular official forums [not the separate forums they are using now since I guess people didn't like to shitpost back then] as a place where players could upload battle reports with their results and feedback. They engaged directly with their players on the forums and asked lots of questions. I think there were biweekly or monthly versions of the unit stats and rules that were updated. Let me google that for you: you have to create an account to view this, since they had some issues of people slinging shit at various players/members on social media. Here's a PDF that explains it that isn't TOS locked.
Thanks, unfortunately I am not interested to have a PP account so if you can explain this it would be great, Ill look at the PDF.
yeah, I don't like the CID account gate thing too. They have some good stuff in there, with a section of "how to provide feedback" "how to structure a battle report" and things like that. It goes into what are the important things, how to state what you are testing, and how they want feedback (Green, yellow, red feedback) and some more into the whole testing mentality (work with your opponent to discover the correct choices on the tabletop so that you can identify any "GOTCHA!" moments, and make comments if one player has a streak of luck for too long). I remember people complaining about the beginnings of MKIII CID being troublesome before they hired Pagani to take over it. I think a lot of those documents grew from things they learned there (like the ability to ban people from CID forums but not from PP forums).
I disagree. Retailers complained, sure, because sales dropped during the playtest, but it created a much more balanced edition. Towards the end of MK II their were rumblings that they were feeling pressure from retailers on some level (the video they had of the owner of Black Diamond games, who was infamously unsupportive of their product, showed they were listening to the wrong people). And they published editorials telling people not to advise new players about which units were good and which units were bad, presumably because retailers/distributors had complained about unsold stock of units they never bothered to make tabletop-worthy. The reason sales dropped is because of the economic behavior that humans have where, when uncertainty is high, they put their resources in a stable state i.e. not buying anything. Similar concept applies to the changes that CB made to YJ/JSA as of late.
True I really like those players, when the game is out in the wild they make the game more robust, I do wish they reported more the break points though. We usually get those reports from poor opponents complaining.
I'm not saying that the Mk3 release was good, it was overall pretty bad. But the Field Test wasn't good, it had a ton of bad stuff that they managed to reasonably stamp out in CID (ie, people pushing their faction; CID is good at obtaining an overall view of the models they're testing). Regardless, CB needs to pull its finger out and do some fucking communicating about the future of Yu Jing.
I dunno, have you tried reading the rules forum? The response I get for saying a rule might have unintended consequences is usually that I should stop pointing out flaws in the game as it will damage "the cause", more or less.
Well, considering what happened with Skorne it's clear that somebody needs to push their faction because PP won't do it lol.
Yes, that is correct, but other players are not game developers, take example @Death he made his goal in 1st and second edition to break the game some of the rules improvements and the wording structure you enjoy in N3 are because of his efforts.
I don't know what your talking about. *Whistles innocently. I'm sure Spanish playtesters had more impact there. I think? Does CB read my posts? Does anyone read my posts?
I remember posting about lists like NCA dual Aquila (back when they could auto-shot camo markers) + Auxilia spam (you could use coordinate orders on them) and Janzanker scolding me for being a dirty power gamer. Ah, those were the good old days.
I don't think you can relate the changes like this. JSA is better than before, whike not being much different. No point argueing about it. WM mk3 changed each faction and some changes were drastic to the point some factions were completely different. My whole group just quit playing WM. I was completely disinnterested by the new Makeda playstyles. Cryx got better for me, but then other dropped too and the I quit avalanche followed. I still haven't sold my two full factions just because I'm lazy. If anything CB always makes most players positive about their changes. Even as a YJ player (now JSA and Ikari too) I feel it wasn't some move that obliterated the faction.
It may not have obliterated Yu Jing, but it was 100% negative for Yu Jing. There is literally no upside (and design space is a ridiculous argument: if they cared about it, they wouldn't have made 3 LI and 4 HI nearly identical; and IA has been 'on its way' for 5+ years).