I had to log in this morning, but that was after a fairly prolonged period of non-activity. Haven't had to log in since.
Worked for me. Logged in last night and checked back about 15-16 hours later and didn't have to relog in.
Whereas I logged in last night, maybe 10 hours later now I had to log back in. Yesterday evening I had to log in a couple of times too. And I’ve just had to again, 1 hour later.
Seems like its now on your end and I haven't to relog in this whole weekend. If you post your browser that might help, and if you're mobile or not. you may also have a setting that's clearing the session.
I’m on mobile, on my iPad. I don’t think it’s on my end seeing as this is the only forum that kicks me off multiple times a day.
Seems today that I am still logged in. Not sure if that changed last couple days or not but I am happy!
Old Toshiba laptop, running Win10, Firefox57, Adblocker X, NoScript, and Privacy Badger. That combo isn't causing me to have to log back into any other forums, just this one. Still had to log in today, about 28 hours after the last time I logged in here.
That's likely the issue. It's best practice to have your session tokens only good for 24 hours. So if you don't revisit the site every day the token will expire. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a timeframe that could be extended in the forum settings. Looks like the session ID we have in our cookie is just a reference to the actual data in a database so I can't see what's in it. It would be great to know if other people having the same issue are not visiting every 24 hours and I'll log in with a different browser and see if I still am after 26.
I'm visiting multiple times a day and having to log back in if it has been more than maybe 30min? Caches have been cleared, etc. multiple times. At this point I would love to only log in once every 24hrs. I'm running chrome on Android.
Could we at least get the log in fields at the top of the forum instead of having to click about. Also please have the Corvus logo and the home button return to forum front page, not the CB main site.
Mobile conection (phone, tablet... or PC with mobile inet)... sounds like IP is changing. Looking a docs and reports for the the server software... yeah, it needs a keep logged thing, and for safety (and simplicity, as cookie cleaning is doable but more steps), it should be selectable, not forced always on. People complained that there was no link to Army, Wiki and probably other things, so it was changed IIRC, and it could be five to forum index (Logo in corner, Home & Forums in next bar, house icon & Forums in path bar).